Saturday, January 5, 2013

Healthy Home Remedy: How to Make Elderberry Syrup

It always seems this time of year brings merriment, overindulging, and inevitable sickness.  Our family has found a wonderful remedy that we have begun making at home - Elderberry Syrup.  There are many Civil War time accounts of its use to aid with dysentery and other stomach maladies.  I have not been able to find any growing locally so I am buying mine from Shoshanna here.  Once the dried berries arrive it is a cinch to whip up this helpful remedy in no time.  Because black elderberries have been shown to ward off illness and hasten recovery, we keep a Mason jar full in the fridge and take some everyday with grape juice to avoid the stomach crud.  So far, so good!  Here is the recipe we are using to support our immune systems:

Elderberry Syrup
4c. Water, well-water, filtered, spring, etc.
1c. Dried Elderberries
1/3c. Dried Echinacea
Fresh Ginger, 2 thumb-size nubs, scraped and chopped
1-2t. Whole Cloves
1-2t. Dried Rosehips
Half a lemon
1 1/2 c. Raw Honey

*Leave out echinacea if using as a preventive, rather than to treat an active illness as echinacea should not be taken for more than two weeks at a time.

Bring elderberries and all spices/herbs to boil in water in a medium aluminum-free pot.   
Reduce heat, cover, and allow to simmer for an hour.  Stir from time to time to prevent sticking.
Allow to cook down until liquid has been reduced by half.  
Pour into strainer and allow to drain into pitcher or mason jar as liquid comes to room temperature.
Once COMPLETELY cooled, squeeze in juice of half lemon and stir in honey until dissolved.

Every adult (13+) gets 1T/day
Every kiddo gets 1t./day

Enjoying Dixie Living,