Monday, September 22, 2008

In Pursuit of a Family Mission

While on vacation this past week I was grateful to have enjoyed some time for extra reflection to again commit myself to the school year ahead with my children. I came away with this sort of mission statement that my husband and I have prayed over and would welcome you as fellow homeschoolers to train your children thoughtfully and deliberately to the glory of God. We urge parents to give their children these five important gifts: the Bible, enjoyable pastimes, academics, character, and home skills. Take time to sit together and hash through what it is God has called you to do and what it is you want to accomplish together for Him as a family. Then prayerfully plan your activities and schedules in such a way as to accomplish those goals. If something does not serve to accomplish your family's objectives, simply pass on it.

In Constant Pursuit,

The Homestylemom

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cultivating A Love for Home in Children: Part 2

This is a continuation of a series I am posting on efforts I have made to make our home a place that both children and parents are thrilled to be.

5. Make Mealtimes Special. Special meals are not just for birthdays. Has one of your children conquered a difficult passage, earned a new merit badge, completed a project, or done a good deed. Maybe she just learned to tie her own shoes, GREAT! Celebrate together at home. My kids know that when someone has the "silver goblet" (a fabulous Goodwill find) at their place setting, they have been caught doing good by Mommy that day. There are many ways for you to show your pleasure in their accomplishment, just be creative. Perhaps the next time they conquer their spelling list a fancy face pancake can greet them for breakfast!

6. Celebrate the Seasons. Our Creator in His bounty has provided for us a multitude of ways to showcase the splendor of the seasons. While I'm sure we all take time to put up a Christmas tree each year, we have the opportunity to do so much more even within the constraints of a limited budget. Just another little tidbit, this can be another together project. Kids love to help "decorate" just about anything and they'll enjoy helping you make the season more special. Whether it's coloring eggs, carving pumpkins, painting Thanksgiving dinner placemats, or Christmas cookie creations they want to be involved. Find creative and lovely ways to make each corner of your home a happy reminder of the Creators goodness and faithfulness.

Coming soon...ways to make home a happy place for hubby too!

In Constant Pursuit...

The Homestylemom

Saturday, September 20, 2008

ZigZag Ponies for Short Hair

Zig Zag Ponies for Short Hair
I've had several people ask me how I arrange Lil' Liss's hair since it's cut short. I have had the great pleasure of two daughters that allow me to sit and play with their hair. This is one hairstyle that I came up with. I hope this gives you some inspiration for your short-hair cutie too. At the bottom you can put bows in as I did, or leave it spikey which is a really fun look too.
1. Begin by separating the hair at its natural part. I chose the middle because I'm a bit of a neat freak about some things. A side part probably won't accomplish the same zig zag look, either.

2. Make 2 little ponies at the front of each side closer to the ear side of the head, rather than the top.

3. Get your next section behind that neatly combed and pulled to the top, then add the tail from your first pony.

4. Do the same for the other side.
5. Make your third section and again place this closer to the ear rather than the top of the head. Add in your 2nd ponies' tail and secure with an elastic.

6. Repeat for the other side and voila...your done. You have just created ZigZag ponies and a great look for your daughter's short hair in less than 10 minutes.

In Constant Pursuit,
The Homestylemom

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Classic Low Piggies for Older Girls

Classic Low Piggies for Older Girls
Tender Heart is one who hates to be left out of any special treatment. She enjoys looking nice and still prefers that I do her hair when I have time. This is a pull-through piggie style that we have enjoyed on several occasions that I would like to share with you here.
1. Begin by separating one large section of hair at the front and then parting it down the middle. Be sure you are leaving a nice amount of hair on the sides above the ears too and that they are even. 2. Put the front half of each of the two sides of the part into ponies and then use your finger or comb tail to push the tail through the top of the pony. 3. Use the tail from your pull-through pony and add it to the new pony you create from the remaining hair that you have on each side of your part. 4. Again bring this pony tail up and pull it through the hair and smooth it down into the rest of the hair that is remaining.
5. You will now part the hair that is at the back of her head and bring the hair back from the sides of her hair in with it to make your piggies. My daughter likes them nice and low so there is less pulling but feel free to put your own spin on this style too. 6. Repeat for the other side and add your bows. I hope you enjoy these special times with your daughter as much as I do with mine. I know there is coming a day not too far away when I won't have anyone to sit and chat with while I work on her hair. Make these times precious and special, leave the old standby styles for the Sunday Morning Crunch!
In Constant Pursuit...
The Homestylemom