Monday, April 13, 2009

Dare To Compare

  • What if my savings at the co-op don't compare to others savings at the grocery store?
    You really should not compare non-organic food prices to organic food prices.  You really aren't comparing apples to apples!   Actually, I’ve found that when you simply don’t compare yourself to others, you enjoy life a lot more. :)
    Make decisions based upon what is best for your family as you are led by the Lord, and then be inspired by others... but don’t feel guilted by them.
  • How can I put my money where my mouth is?  
  •  Folks, if you can afford it, spend it. We are in trouble here in America.  Consumers need to use our funds to support small family farms AND organic food whenever possible.  This is not just because organic is better for our bodies, but it is better for the land as too.  Did you know that chemicals actually turn the soil to dust?  There is no enrichment taking place.            
  • Where can I get the most bang for my couponing buck?  
  • Have some fun and play the drug store game.  Use Register Rewards and Extra Care Bucks, etc. to get all the other stuff–toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, razors, toilet paper, feminine products for FREE or close to it. This is probably the only area that you can really be an Extreme Coupon Queen.  If you don't do paper goods, you can also find natural/cheap alternatives to these things-we don’t use paper towels, disposable diapers/wipes when at home, etc.  I know some folks make their own deodorant-which eliminates the aluminum dangers of the store bought brands. I just began using Dr. Bronner's for almost everything in our house-which is natural and organic. You can even brush your teeth with it :)  I know, why would you, right?? If you look around, there really is so much *stuff* you can just stop buying once you find cheaper, smarter alternatives!  You can really build up your pantry and preps this way.
  • I too have struggled with many of these same questions…you can read many of my conclusions here.  Eating WELL does cost more, that is the ugly, naked truth. Would you consider the alternative? I would much rather have my spending set a little higher (if it is affordable) to support local, organic, agriculture.  Quality fresh fruits and seasonal vegetables are worth the extra cost for our family! I’m LEARNING to do my best to determine works for our family without comparing my numbers with others…Blessings to you!
  • What are some of the new things your family is attempting in an effort to live healthier lives?
Enjoying Dixie Living,