Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A lovely day in May

As I look up from my sewing machine out into the yard this is the view that greets me. I am so grateful to the Lord for His goodness to me. We are all enjoying the lighter school schedule that summer affords. I am inside today planning and sewing now that today's lesons are done. My three Precious Ones are enjoying the outdoors but I am not so sure that Midnight (our new kitten) is as thankful. In time she will get used to their antics...we can hope!
In this morning's Quiet Time I was prompted to ponder the responsibilities of a friend. While I was given the opportunity to examine my own inconsistencies, failures, and successes as a friend, I was overwhelmed by the thought that my children are learning these skills as they daily encounter one another. Each day's events are not always perfect examples of lessons in friendship but I am grateful for the one's that are. Mother's we should not waste the teachable moments that come every day as a natural part of life with siblings. So many times my first inclination is to swoop in and make things better but when I wait and allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in little hearts I am often blown away at the outcome! Today's example of this was when I recieved the call from church informing me that Freckles had been chosen to return for a second audition for our summer play in which he and Dear Heart had both tried out for. Instead of rejoicing over his good news I was surprised to hear and see Freckles comfort Dear Heart when she realized she had not been chosen. Thank you Father for these occasional glimpses of You that are sent to encourage us along the way!
In constant pursuit...
The Homestylemom