Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fresh Savings for the Homestead

  • How can I save the most money on fresh fruits and vegetables?
    In the summer I utilize a CSA, and in the winter (my husband is particular) – I buy whatever is the best buy by looking at the sale ads for that week. So, I go every day or two and buy from Kroger, Publix, and Trader Joe's.  Simply whatever is cheapest, organic, and on sale that week are my criteria.   I often purchase frozen berries from Trader Joes since they are really inexpensive.

    What is the big "organic" deal?
  • You may find considerable savings by buying only the “Dirty Dozen” fruits and vegetables organic? Is there a nearby Farmer’s Market?  Many smaller local farms may not be *certified* organic, but the fruits and veggies are often much better choices than conventionally grown produce that is shipped to you from factory farms. You may learn that they did not use pesticides at all…you will just have to ask the farmers!

    What about fruits?
  • If your family enjoys frozen berries, then try looking for local u-pick farms in the summer. These may not be 100% organic, but I have found smaller farmers are less likely to be putting as many industrial chemicals on their plants.  Get the kids involved and pick as much as you can afford, wash and freeze it. We pick at least 20 quarts of strawberries annually and freeze for smoothies and such. I know it wouldn't be prudent to buy them throughout the winter otherwise, they're too expensive! I also find great deals at the Farmers Market my town hosts each weekend. I bought 10 quarts of fresh blackberries at $2 each just to freeze. I also froze the peaches we purchased after I got tired of canning them.  $12 for half-bushel was a great price! I can always find great prices on apples from the north Georgia Mountains, minimally sprayed for just $10 a bushel. Start looking in the summer and in a few years you will have your own list of farmers and contacts to help get fresh fruits and veggies in season to can, dehydrate or freeze. They are better tasting and local!!

    Where have you found the best local fruits and veggie buys for your family?

    Enjoying Dixie Living,