Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cooking Up Fun

Part of our job as parents is to produce individuals who are capable of successfully caring for a household of their own one day.  Rearing kids that are producers vs. consumers is a challenge.  My husband and I want our son to be a loving provider and protector of his own family. That is why everyone (not just the girls) takes a turn at being the Kitchen Helper on the chore rotation. I know for a fact that he prefers this job to his tasks as Baby Helper for the week. One way he can provide and care for his wife is by ministering to her needs during illness or after the delivery of a new child. Some men also find time in the kitchen enjoyable. I know my son enjoys every minute of mess-making in there! Here are a few shots of Freckles as he prepares his Chicken Fingers. I'll jot down the recipe below.

Now run to the pantry and refrigerator and collect these items:

2 Cups Shredded Wheat Cereal (not Frosted) 1/2 Cup grated Parmesan Cheese

1/2 tsp. Seasoned Salt 1/4 tsp. Paprika 1/8 tsp. Garlic Powder

1/2 Cup Mayonnaise 1 T. Honey 2 tsp. prepared Mustard

1 lb. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 3/4 x 2-inch strips.

Crush up the cereal and pour into a shallow pan for coating. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Combine cereal, Parmesan cheese, seasoned salt, paprika, and garlic powder in shallow pan. Combine mayo, honey, and mustard in another shallow dish. Stir chicken strips into the mayo mixture, roll in cereal mixture to coat evenly. Place on rack in shallow baking pan. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until strips are no longer pink in center. Or, you can place them in a deep fryer in small batches as I have done here. Enjoy your meal and your time together as family.
Enjoying Dixie Living,