Monday, November 24, 2008

In The Secret of His Presence

I have been enjoying my break from blogging for a while but I do have this one jewel to share. As part of my morning Quiet Time I have been compiling a notebook/journal of sorts that includes scripture excerpts, songs of praise, hymns, and worthy poetry. My notebook serves as a great source of help for me as I attempt to come before my Father. Many times I need some prompting to get my meditations started and this particular poem that I wish to share has become one that I refer to at least weekly as I ask the Saviour to search my heart.
~ In The Secret of His Presence~
In the secret of His presence
How my soul delights to hide!
Oh, how precious are the lessons
Which I learn at Jesus' side!

Earthly cares can never vex me,
Neither trials lay me low;
For when Satan comes to tempt me,
To the secret place I go.

I tell Him all my doubts, my griefs,
And fears; Oh, how patiently He listens,
And my drooping soul He cheers.

Do you think He ne'er reproves me?
What a false friend He would be
If He never, never told me
Of the sins which He must see.

Would you like to know the sweetness
Of the secret of the Lord?
Go and rest beneath His shadow-
This shall then be your reward!

And when e'er you leave the silence of
That happy meeting place,
You will surely bear the image of the
Master in your face!
-Ellen Lakshmi Goreh
Next time you need a little prompting for your heart's devotion, I hope that you will consider this work by Ellen Goreh a great aid as you ponder your Saviour.

Enjoy Dixie Living,
Homespun HoneyBee

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Homestead Living is Thrifty Living

As panic struck Wall Street earlier this month many families lost their sole source of income. Even if you are just frugal (read cheapskate) like me you don't want to miss any opportunities to keep a little more of your hard-earned money. As a blogger, one of my favorite sites just for general thrifty living is the collection found here. This is an eclectic collaboration of writers, moms, economists, and other professionals who really know how to help us save more of our family resources. The actual post I've sent you to is a GREAT resource for getting started with a family budget. While you're there be sure to look around on the sidebars for other authors of interest.
That said, I would be remiss if I did not mention another resource that our missionary to Poland, Becky Petersen, shared with me last week. The owner of this site is actually her sister and she sells coupons as well as other savings aids that may be of interest if you have a specific ongoing need -- like diapers. I am constantly on the lookout for other moms with home businesses that I can patronize. This year the owner of this site used her profits to take her missionary sister and her family on a wonderful all-expenses paid trip to Egypt. As you can imagine this was a tremendous blessing to this missionary family who probably would otherwise not have been able to afford such a journey.
While you're out looking for savings don't forget to take a peek here. There are many times when I am looking for a printable coupon for a specific store (maybe Jo@nn) and I have already used the one they mailed me. I just go to this handy dandy site, look up my store and PRESTO! I print myself a coupon when they're available.
Make it a goal to organize and keep your coupons with you whenever you are out. I try to challenge myself to never pay full price.  As always remember the old-time mantra "use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without."
Enjoy Dixie Living,
Homespun HoneyBee

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Homestead Hairstyles for Little Girls

For this piggie variation you will need your comb, brush and 5 elastics. This is the finished product with bows in.

Brush through the hair until it is smooth and shiny.

Give the hair a nice, straight part. I am a side parter but right down the middle looks awesome too!

Put each side of the parted sections securely into the elastic band of your choice. Try not to use hair from any farther back than the very top of the ear.

This is your chance to make it nice and smooth with no lumps.

Take a small section from each of the ponies and wrap the hair around the elastic then secure inside.

Here is what you will have so far once both sections are secured and wrapped. If you've got to go, this is a great look too!

Part out a great big section from the middle of the crown. Brush through until it is smooth.

Add the ponytail sections from the front into this large middle section. Brush through and secure with 3rd elastic band.

Just as with the 2 sections up front you will need to securely wrap this pony tail too. This is what you will have so far.

Now part the remaining hair at the base of the head into 2 piggie sections. Add your elastics but do not pull the hair completely through during the last loop.

This will make nice, full piggies that almost look as if you've curled them. You can wrap the hair around the elastic to hide it as before or leave them and cover with bows.

A final view of the full wrapped piggies.

A view from the top.

And now the completed style adorned with bows. These are my medium basic boutique bows available at my site. This really is a cute and versatile style that she will enjoy wearing. Go try this one today!
Enjoying Dixie Living,
Homespun HoneyBee

Monday, September 22, 2008

In Pursuit of a Family Mission

While on vacation this past week I was grateful to have enjoyed some time for extra reflection to again commit myself to the school year ahead with my children. I came away with this sort of mission statement that my husband and I have prayed over and would welcome you as fellow homeschoolers to train your children thoughtfully and deliberately to the glory of God. We urge parents to give their children these five important gifts: the Bible, enjoyable pastimes, academics, character, and home skills. Take time to sit together and hash through what it is God has called you to do and what it is you want to accomplish together for Him as a family. Then prayerfully plan your activities and schedules in such a way as to accomplish those goals. If something does not serve to accomplish your family's objectives, simply pass on it.

In Constant Pursuit,

The Homestylemom

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cultivating A Love for Home in Children: Part 2

This is a continuation of a series I am posting on efforts I have made to make our home a place that both children and parents are thrilled to be.

5. Make Mealtimes Special. Special meals are not just for birthdays. Has one of your children conquered a difficult passage, earned a new merit badge, completed a project, or done a good deed. Maybe she just learned to tie her own shoes, GREAT! Celebrate together at home. My kids know that when someone has the "silver goblet" (a fabulous Goodwill find) at their place setting, they have been caught doing good by Mommy that day. There are many ways for you to show your pleasure in their accomplishment, just be creative. Perhaps the next time they conquer their spelling list a fancy face pancake can greet them for breakfast!

6. Celebrate the Seasons. Our Creator in His bounty has provided for us a multitude of ways to showcase the splendor of the seasons. While I'm sure we all take time to put up a Christmas tree each year, we have the opportunity to do so much more even within the constraints of a limited budget. Just another little tidbit, this can be another together project. Kids love to help "decorate" just about anything and they'll enjoy helping you make the season more special. Whether it's coloring eggs, carving pumpkins, painting Thanksgiving dinner placemats, or Christmas cookie creations they want to be involved. Find creative and lovely ways to make each corner of your home a happy reminder of the Creators goodness and faithfulness.

Coming soon...ways to make home a happy place for hubby too!

In Constant Pursuit...

The Homestylemom

Saturday, September 20, 2008

ZigZag Ponies for Short Hair

Zig Zag Ponies for Short Hair
I've had several people ask me how I arrange Lil' Liss's hair since it's cut short. I have had the great pleasure of two daughters that allow me to sit and play with their hair. This is one hairstyle that I came up with. I hope this gives you some inspiration for your short-hair cutie too. At the bottom you can put bows in as I did, or leave it spikey which is a really fun look too.
1. Begin by separating the hair at its natural part. I chose the middle because I'm a bit of a neat freak about some things. A side part probably won't accomplish the same zig zag look, either.

2. Make 2 little ponies at the front of each side closer to the ear side of the head, rather than the top.

3. Get your next section behind that neatly combed and pulled to the top, then add the tail from your first pony.

4. Do the same for the other side.
5. Make your third section and again place this closer to the ear rather than the top of the head. Add in your 2nd ponies' tail and secure with an elastic.

6. Repeat for the other side and voila...your done. You have just created ZigZag ponies and a great look for your daughter's short hair in less than 10 minutes.

In Constant Pursuit,
The Homestylemom

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Classic Low Piggies for Older Girls

Classic Low Piggies for Older Girls
Tender Heart is one who hates to be left out of any special treatment. She enjoys looking nice and still prefers that I do her hair when I have time. This is a pull-through piggie style that we have enjoyed on several occasions that I would like to share with you here.
1. Begin by separating one large section of hair at the front and then parting it down the middle. Be sure you are leaving a nice amount of hair on the sides above the ears too and that they are even. 2. Put the front half of each of the two sides of the part into ponies and then use your finger or comb tail to push the tail through the top of the pony. 3. Use the tail from your pull-through pony and add it to the new pony you create from the remaining hair that you have on each side of your part. 4. Again bring this pony tail up and pull it through the hair and smooth it down into the rest of the hair that is remaining.
5. You will now part the hair that is at the back of her head and bring the hair back from the sides of her hair in with it to make your piggies. My daughter likes them nice and low so there is less pulling but feel free to put your own spin on this style too. 6. Repeat for the other side and add your bows. I hope you enjoy these special times with your daughter as much as I do with mine. I know there is coming a day not too far away when I won't have anyone to sit and chat with while I work on her hair. Make these times precious and special, leave the old standby styles for the Sunday Morning Crunch!
In Constant Pursuit...
The Homestylemom

Monday, August 11, 2008

Summertime Fun

Today we were able to meet with friends at our local Six Flags theme park again. It was practically perfect weather with little to no crowds thanks to a summer thunderstorm with hail prediction that never panned out.

The kids had an excellent time playing at the Skull Island waterpark area while the dads got to brave the more adventurous thrill rides.
We did officially begin school this week with our new Monday through Thursday schedule and already I think we are going to love the flexibility this will provide.

VBS Castle Fun Fair

When we returned from Florida, our church was holding VBS with a Swords and Shields theme. At the end of the week a Castle Fun Fair was held which the children all attended with great excitement. What a time of spiritual refreshment and blessing this week was as the parents were treated to a mini retreat that featured the Herbster's while the children were in VBS. It is always good to be reminded and encouraged to continue right living and to practice Bible-based parenting. Whenever I am tempted to let up, I can always look around at society as a whole and consider, "How is man's way working out?" and that gives me all the prodding I need to stand fast.
In constant pursuit...
The Homestylemom

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Trip to the Seashore

One of the great things about kids is their never ending pursuit of discovery. God's creation has many opportunities for helping to

satiate the seemingly endless need to discover. I hope I never tire of hearing "Mommy look what I found" as they come running to show me their latest treasure. I hope that I can cultivate a love for the treasures that are contained in Scripture as well as those that can be found in the natural world.

Here I am with my younger brother as we pose in front of the lighthouse. It was such a blessing to be able to spend some time with him and the kids at the beach. Since they seldom get to see him, they were very eager to have some playtime with Uncle Rusty.

I have photographed one of the day's discoveries here and placed it in our bucket. Yes, that is a jellyfish floating in the water. One of two we caught this day and brought back to Grandpa's house with us.

Here is Lil' Liss playing with Grandma along the shoreline.

Not many things in life are as fun as a trip to the beach. While visiting my folks in Florida, we were able to take advantage of their close proximity to the ocean and visit the island of Boca Grande, just about 4 miles away. Normally I am more of a pool Mom than a salt-water Mom but sometimes it feels good to say "yes".

In constant pursuit...

The Homestylemom

When Loved Ones Grow Old

Far be it from me to ever say that I have been shorted when it comes to having a great and godly grandmother. My Mamaw (as I call her) is a vivid part of many of my earliest childhood memories. Her sweet acts of generosity and service permeate the foreground of much of my adolescence. She was always going, always giving, always grinning. Now as the grips of dementia and Alzheimer's are beginning to take the best of her memories, I am determined to keep her alive in mine and those of my children as well. She is the reason that I garden, sew, cook, and keep house with any measure of success. I have many fond memories of breaking and canning beans, picking and preserving strawberries, standing still for fittings, folding laundry, and sweeping of floors with her and under her supervision. Mamaw Mertie was and is a blessing to me and I am saddened to see her in such a state. While she may not want to have to now be in the care of others, it is definitely what is best for her well-being at this time. Each time we part it becomes harder to say good-bye especially in light of the brevity of life. I would not be being truthful though if I did not admit that this parting was especially difficult for me. Moving her from her home seems so final and because of heavy tears I could not even face her after our final long embrace. Praise God for His peace! I find comfort in knowing that even if I never embrace my sweet Mamaw again on this earth, I will see her again! How good of God as I got into my vehicle to leave her home, His blessed peace was playing on my radio "Unclouded Day". Our God is too good. I thank Him for seeking me and placing in me this desire to be in constant pursuit...

The Homestylemom

Fourth of July Fun

This year our town held a 4th of July celebration that was hosted by several of the Main street churches.

We had a great time of fun, food, face painting, and fireworks.

The girls are posing here in their 4th of July outfits: I embellished some jeans and holiday tee's with ribbons to give them a festive look for the Freedom Celebration. To top them off, there were matching bows as well. They look adorable even if I do say so myself!

Just in case you were hoping for a shot of some fireworks, check out the cheeks here on Lil' Liss. She was so proud to sport her red, white and blue just for you. She held still just long enough for me to get this shot...then off to the cotton candy! You could say she was definitely in pursuit...
The Homestylemom

In Pursuit of Fun with Friends

Just a swingin'!

This year we were able to take advantage of "Homeschool Day" here at Six Flags over Georgia. We were blessed by the disounted ticket price as well as the generous lunch that was included. The offer also included a free return ticket as well which we were pleased to use on this visit with friends from our church. We had a great time and took home some very tired kiddos!

A Pose with Porky and Petunia Pig

A Trip to the Tree Top

See that tiny guy on the left? This was his first trip to the top and he did it like a real trooper. What a fun first!

Beep! Beep!

Here is Freckles enjoying an old friend, Bertie the Bus, in the new "Thomas Town" kids area.
This was definitely a day of great fun and relaxation with the kids. I am looking forward to taking them again when they are ready for some more exciting rides. Tender Heart is still so afraid of many of them with any size and speed but that doesn't seem to stop Lil' Liss. She is the first one to jump in line and the first one to be disappointed when she doesn't quite measure up to the height restrictions!
In constant pursuit...
The Homestylemom